DetectedX is working with all eleven universities in Australia that are offering radiography education in order to supply the CovED platform to their students.
The CovED platform assists in the student’s training in helping them better recognise signs of COVID-19 on lung CTs. This is done through the CovED platform, that DetectedX will soon make available to the wider public, which tests each person’s ability to be aware of the appearances of the virus. Each student will be able to complete the test sets as per the requests of their professors and the supply of DetectedX’s platform which will enable them to improve their radiography education.

The eleven universities are: University of Newcastle; University of Sydney; Central Queensland University; Queensland University of Technology; University of Canberra; Monash University; Charles Sturt University; University of South Australia; RMIT university; Deakin University; and Curtin University. They have begun utilising the DetectedX platform for their teaching with copious amounts of positive feedback.
A big thank you to these institutions for being so collaborative and a big thank you to the members of DetectedX whom have been organising this partnership.